Ryu pulled a large man from the magical circle, his sword piercing the man's chest.
As the man's entire body was pulled to "this side," the magical circle shrunk and disappeared.
"Ugh… wh…?"
The man opened his eyes momentarily, scanning his surroundings, but his gaze quickly faded, and he collapsed, motionless.
General Bax: "That's…!"
Ryu: "What do you think? I just picked a random guy who looked important."
Bax: "He's not the commander."
Ryu: "Oh, really?"
Ryu looked slightly dejected.
Ryu: "He was sitting in a fancy chair and acting all high and mighty, so I thought he was the commander…"
But one of the captains, who had been observing, shouted.
Captain A: "That man was the enemy's vanguard captain! Many soldiers were killed by him."
Captain B: "He was incredibly strong… how did you… so easily…?"
The captains cautiously approached the body to confirm. The prince, observing from the side, asked.
Rezild: "…Your… that is… a magical eye, or… is it clairvoyance?"
Rezild said, looking at Ryu's eyes, which still emitted a faint glow.
General Bax: "Clairvoyance? I remember a S-ranked adventurer named Bat who had such a skill."
Rezild: "Yes, Bat could see enemies from tens of kilometers away with his clairvoyance and shoot them dead. If he had cooperated, the situation would have been much more favorable."
Rezild (looking at the Prime Minister): "What happened to Bat?"
Prime Minister: "We requested cooperation from the Adventurer's Guild, but they told us Bat had disappeared."
Bax: "Disappeared?"
Prime Minister: "There are various rumors going around, like he died or returned to his hometown…."
Ryu: "Bat attacked me, so I fought back. I didn't kill him, but he said he was quitting adventuring and returning to the countryside."
Rezild: "What? You defeated an S-ranked adventurer… No, it's not impossible if you possess the same abilities as Bat. And that magical circle earlier… your power seems to go beyond that."
Prime Minister: "I didn't know about clairvoyance, but apparently, he can use spatial teleportation."
Bax: "Teleportation?! That's a legendary magic, only mentioned in legends… It actually exists?"
Prime Minister: "I couldn't believe it either, but he teleported me here instantly, so…"
Rezild: "He showed us the enemy captain right in front of our eyes. There's no choice but to believe. I see. If we get this boy's help, we might be able to turn the tide of battle!"
Ryu: "Helping is not the right word. I can do it alone. Don't get involved, you don't want to endanger your own people, do you? I'll wipe out the enemy. After you reclaim the city, focus on securing the defense."
As Ryu said that, a magical circle appeared under his feet, and he vanished.
The first prince Rezild and the generals were stunned for a while.
Rezild: "Uh… where did he go?"
Prime Minister: "…He went to defeat the enemy, maybe?"
Bax: "Alone?"
The remaining individuals were at a loss as to what to do.
The princes, for the time being, decided to forget about Ryu and resume their usual duties.
They had a lot to do: confirming and reorganizing their forces, collecting and organizing information, and planning the next strategy. They didn't have time to indulge the whims of a sudden, unexpected individual.
But after about an hour, Ryu returned and said.
Ryu: "I've wiped out the enemy."
" " " " Huh? " " " "
Ryu: "What, you haven't done any preparation? I told you to get ready to take over the city!"
Rezild: "You said you wiped them out?"
Ryu: "Yeah, the next city, Melledyere, wasn't it? Everyone in the kingdom had evacuated, they said, so I killed everyone who was in the castle."
Bax: "The enemy was around a thousand strong! It's impossible to wipe them out alone in an hour, stop telling lies!"
Ryu: "Want proof?"
A magical circle appeared in the command room, and bodies, bisected from head to toe, began to appear and pile up.
Ryu: "It's not going to fit in here, should I move them outside?"
Bax: "Wait, wait! I get it! Stop!"
The smell of blood filled the room. Bax hurriedly instructed the soldiers to carry out the bodies.
Rezild: "Really… did you kill them all…?"
Ryu: "Yeah, I guess they were just following orders, but they participated in a war of aggression, what can I say. They were born in the wrong country." (TN: Hypocrite MC)
Rezild: "They are all cut in half, armor included. How did you do that?"
Ryu: "It's an advanced application of teleportation magic. I separate the matter into two halves in different dimensions. I call it dimensional severance."
Rezild: "…I… see… Amazing."
Ryu: "Anyway, Melledyere is currently empty, so get in there quickly and secure the defenses before the bodies turn into undead."
After that, the Kingdom army hurriedly began to move. Duncary and Melledyere were about 50 km apart. It would take 2 to 3 hours on horseback. For the time being, the knights rode to the city to confirm the situation and set up a minimal defense, but it would take 2 to 3 days for the entire army to complete the relocation.
Ryu: "It takes too long to relocate, that's unexpected. Should I move them first next time?"
It takes time to rebuild and secure the recaptured city. The reclamation operation wasn't as smooth as Ryu expected.
After waiting for several days, they finally decided to move on after establishing a minimal defense and preparing for the capture of the next city.
The Kingdom army marched towards Braile. They thought the Republic army was confident, assuming they were holding Melledyere, so there was no resistance, and they easily reached the point where they could see the walls of Braile.
Ryu stopped there and proceeded alone towards the city gate of Braile.
Even though it seemed pointless, he decided to give a surrender ultimatum.
"Your comrades in Melledyere have been wiped out. I am going to attack you now. If you value your lives, abandon the city and retreat."
He amplified his voice through spatial magic, echoing throughout the city. However, the enemy army didn't surrender or retreat as he expected. Arrows rained down from the city walls towards Ryu.
― ― ― ― ― ― ― ―
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Victorious Advance! Finally to Biero, the Border City
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