Chapter 88: Ryu and Sophie Meet Viscount Gitt

Since it was a normal morning occurrence in town, many people witnessed Ryu being taken away by the nobles.

A kind resident who was worried about Ryu told the church about what had happened, and a sister, hearing it, immediately went to the guard and asked Golant for help.

But it wasn't easy for the city guard to rescue someone arrested by a noble. So Golant went to the Adventurers' Guild and told Sophie and the others. As a member of the royal family, Sophie might be able to do something, even against a noble.

Sophie and the others were waiting for Ryu at the Adventurers' Guild. They were worried because he hadn't shown up, even after waiting for a while. Hearing what happened, Sophie was furious and immediately decided to go to Viscount Gitt's mansion.

Even though he was a cousin, from a princess's perspective, a viscount was a low-ranking noble. Sophie could easily get Ryu released.

Of course, she had also heard from Ryu that Viscount Gitt was the mastermind behind the kidnapping. It was that infamous Gitt. She couldn't believe he had done it again. If it was true, it would be her duty as a member of the royal family to punish him.

(Scene Change)

(Although he was shackled, Ryu was transported to the neighboring town in the same carriage as Toppo. It was surprisingly good treatment. It seemed they simply didn't have another carriage. When he tried to speak, the guard told him to shut up, so they didn't talk much. Apparently, commoners weren't allowed to chat casually with nobles.)

As they entered Viscount Gitt's territory, they saw a walled city in the distance. The carriage passed through the gate without stopping and went straight to Viscount Gitt's mansion in the center of the city.

Ryu was taken out of the carriage and dragged into a reception room... or rather, a dungeon.

He was thrown into a cell with his shackles still on and the door locked.

Of course, he wasn't going to wait patiently. First, he had to get rid of the shackles. Since he could teleport, it was easy. He just had to teleport the shackles away from his wrists.

He also wanted to try to break them using his strength, but seeing these magical tools for the first time made him think it would be a waste. He decided to teleport the shackles directly into his spatial dimension.

Before leaving the cell, Ryu used his divine eye to search his surroundings.

There didn't seem to be any guards on the floor where the dungeon was located.

He discovered that there were other cells around his. It seemed that there were other prisoners besides Ryu.

Further down, he saw a large room, with several people inside. All the cells and the room at the end had women in them. They could be the kidnapped women.

Ryu decided to leave the cell. He could teleport out, but he wanted to try to break through the iron bars using brute force. Since he couldn't try the shackles earlier, he decided to give this a go.

However, he applied a little more force, and the cell door came off completely. Even Ryu's strength was too much. The hinges and lock of the door had weakened.

Ryu left the cell and went to see the room at the end. He had sensed multiple human presences, as well as dead bodies and people who seemed to be on the verge of death. He was curious.

He reached for the door, but it was locked. So, Ryu teleported inside. The sight that awaited him was horrific.

There were naked women tied to the walls and pillars.

Some of them were also hanging from the ceiling.

And among those hanging, some were missing limbs.

The ones hanging seemed to be already dead.

Apparently, the master of this mansion enjoyed torturing women and killing them. Ryu left the women as they were and exited the room.

He decided to let the women wait a little longer. He could rescue them later. If they were to go outside now, they could be caught in the commotion and put in danger. He was planning to cause some chaos soon.

Ryu continued to search the mansion with his divine eye. He confirmed the presence of servants, guard knights, and Viscount Gitt in a large room at the back of the second floor. Ryu had never met Viscount Gitt, but he could easily recognize him by reading the memories of those he had read before.

Ryu decided to teleport directly to Viscount Gitt's room without further ado.

(Scene Change)

Baron Toppo was reporting in Viscount Gitt's room.

Toppo: "Your Lordship, I have brought Ryujiin."

Viscount Gitt: "Hmm? I believe he's the adventurer who hunts for dragon materials."

Toppo: "He's in the dungeon right now."

Gitt (grinning): "You seem to have been rough. Did he put up a fight?"

Toppo: "No, actually... He was cooperative. He probably gave up after hearing Your Lordship's name."

Gitt: "I see, perhaps. Then bring him here. Let's have a chat."

Ryu: "Did you call for me?"

Ryu, who was suddenly in the room, spoke.

(Toppo panicked.)

Toppo: "You! How did you escape from the dungeon?"

Ryu: "You're Viscount Gitt, aren't you?"

Gitt: " ...Who are you?!"

Toppo: "This is Ryujiin."

Ryu: "My name is Ryujiin."

Ryu purposely teased him with a parrot-like echo.

Gitt: " ...You're Ryujiin."

Gitt seemed bewildered, but he regained his composure and said,

Gitt: "You managed to escape from our cell. You're quite skilled, I see. As expected of a dragonslayer. I don't dislike talented individuals. You should work for me."

Ryu: "I decline. I don't share your tastes."

Gitt: "You... watch your tongue."

Ryu: "You're a fool. It doesn't matter to me if you kidnap women or oppress your people. I wouldn't have bothered if you hadn't gotten involved, but it's too late. I saw what was down in the basement."

Gitt: "You saw? It seems you want to die..."

Ryu: "Sophie will come soon. Even if I let you go, I don't think she'll just ignore what I saw."

Ryu had used his divine eye to see Sophie and her party coming from town on horseback.

Gitt: "Sophie? Who is that?"

Toppo: "Your Lordship, well, that's..."

At that moment, there was a knock at the door.

Head Maid: "Your Lordship, you have a guest!"

Gitt: "I'm busy right now, tell them to come back later!"

Head Maid: "It's... she says she's a princess."

Gitt: "What?!"

Ryu: "She's quick. It seems Princess Sophie is here."

Gitt: "You know the princess?!"

Viscount Gitt glared at Baron Toppo, who lowered his gaze.

At that moment, the outside suddenly became noisy.

'Please wait! You can't just barge in!'

The door burst open, and Marie and Betty entered.

Sophie followed behind them.

(Alice always stays behind Sophie, guarding her back.)

(Scene Change)

(Next Episode Preview)

(Text: What's in store for Viscount Gitt?! Don't miss it!)