Chapter 90: Summoned by the Lord, Refusal Is Unacceptable?

Sophie couldn’t help but feel a twinge of doubt afterward, wondering if her actions were truly justified.

The sight of the basement’s horrifying state had ignited a fire of shock and anger within her, leading her to authorize the “punishment” on the spot. However, legally speaking, there were certain issues with her actions. Ideally, Git should have been brought back to the capital for a proper trial.

But, as Ryu had mentioned, even if they were to bring Git back to the capital for a harsh punishment, the most severe sentence imaginable would be execution by guillotine. Some might argue that death is the ultimate punishment, but considering the extent of the suffering inflicted upon those tortured, simply ending their lives might seem too merciful to some.

Execution would be preferable to the alternative. The Duke, who spoils his son, might intervene and sweep the matter under the rug.

However, Git had attempted to capture and violate Sophie, subjecting her to torture. Even her father and brother, the princes, would have likely made the same decision.

Sophie convinced herself that her actions had been the right course of action.

Still, considering that a nobleman, a relative of the Duke no less, had been killed, any attempt to cover it up would likely only escalate the situation. It was imperative to handle this swiftly. Sophie immediately returned to the capital to report the incident.

Following Sophie's report, an investigation team was dispatched from the royal palace, and the body of Viscount Git was discovered in the basement of the mansion. The body was severely mutilated, and the Viscount's face was frozen in a mask of terror. Numerous potion bottles were scattered around, indicating someone had attempted to help but arrived too late. The investigating knights concluded that Git was kept alive for prolonged periods to endure torture, not for recovery purposes.

With the Lord's absence, the temporarily governance of the territory formerly controlled by Viscount Git was handed over to Mimul's Lord, Count Mourow Rudolf.

However, strange rumors began to circulate. It was alleged that Count Rudolf had murdered Viscount Git to expand his territory. It seems that someone took these rumors seriously, as an investigation team was dispatched from the royal palace.

Ryu, having no pressing matters and left to his own devices after Sophie's departure, was enjoying his newfound leisure.

One morning, a knight arrived at Ryu's apartment.

He had been summoned by the Lord of Mimul and was to report immediately.

While Ryu wouldn't have objected to a polite request, given he had no pressing engagements,

Ryu had a peculiar tendency to pout when ordered to appear immediately without any regard for his own schedule, especially if the individual in question acted superior. The more pompous they were, the more stubborn he became.

Ryu: "Right now?"

Knight A: "Yes."

Ryu: "I'm sleepy… I decline."

Knight A: "You’ve been summoned by the Lord. Refusal is unacceptable."

Ryu: "What's the purpose?"

Knight A: "That… "

Knight B: "The Lord will explain it to you personally."

Ryu: "Do you not consider my schedule?"

Knight A: "That… It can’t be helped! This is a summons from the Lord!"

Ryu: "I decline."

Knight A & B: "What?!"

Ryu: "If this isn't urgent, shouldn't you at least consider giving me a chance to adjust my schedule? Does the Lord believe he can trample over the plans of commoners?"

Knight A: "It, it’s urgent!"

Ryu: "Really? Maybe you don’t even know what it’s about."

Knight A: "T, that’s not… "

Knight B: "You understand, don’t you? If you disobey, we’ll bring you by force!"

Ryu: "Are you going to try? I’ll fight back in earnest. I hope you’re fine with a few injuries. Don’t blame me if you end up losing your life."

Knight A & B: "You…"

Rumors of Ryu’s prowess had reached the knights. They didn't think they would lose a fight against him, but a struggle was certain. Was the order so strict that they needed to go to such lengths? While the knights hesitated, Ryu spoke.

Ryu: "If you’re not eager to do this, then you can get lost."

Knight A: “………… We’ll come again.”

Knight B: "Don’t regret this."

The knights, concluding that a confrontation with Ryu would be risky, left with a parting threat.

Ryu, after sending the knights away, went back to sleep.

However, around noon, the knights returned. This time, they were accompanied by the Captain of the Guard, Goran.

Goran: "I can’t believe you would refuse the Lord’s summons. You’re quite free-spirited."

Ryu: "Well, living freely is my mission in this world."

Goran: "Then you’ll find it hard to live with all the trouble you’ll attract.”

Ryu: “No problem. I’ll crush everything.”

Goran sighed in exasperation.

Goran: "This is an urgent matter. The Lord is in trouble, so please, come with us.”

Ryu: "Fine, I’ll go."

The knights’ faces expressed shock.

Ryu: “You should have said that from the start, instead of trying to force me. "

Goran: "My apologies, I explicitly instructed the knights to be ‘polite,’ but it seems they didn’t understand. I apologize on the Lord's behalf.”

Ryu: "Their training’s not enough. ... So, you came as the Lord’s son today?"

Goran: "… Did you know?”

Goran looked startled. However, Ryu had used his divine vision to assess Goran (read his mind) before. He had known about Goran’s true identity (the Lord's son) for quite some time.

Goran: "It’s a good thing the knights didn’t try to force you."

Ryu: "If they had, they wouldn’t be in one piece right now."

The knights, who were scowling, remained silent.

Goran: "The Lord has no intentions of being hostile towards you. Please be gentle with him."

Ryu, accompanied by Goran, boarded a carriage prepared by the knights and headed towards the Lord’s residence.

The Lord’s Audience Chamber.

While not as grand as a royal palace, it was a spacious reception room with a large table. The Lord sat behind another large desk across from the table.

The knights, upon entering the room, stood on either side of the door. Goran led Ryu towards the Lord.

Lord: "I am Mourow Rudolf, the Lord."

Ryu: "Ryujiin, nice to meet you."

Ryu bowed.

Lord: "You are Ryujiin? I’ve heard many tales about you, but this is our first meeting."

Ryu: “Yeah, let me get this out of the way first. I’m cursed with an inability to use honorifics, so please don’t mind my speech."

Lord: "…What?!"

Goran: "A curse? Is that true? Are there such curses?"

Of course…

…This was a lie by Ryu.

He recalled a novel he’d read in his previous life that had a similar setting and used it as a base for his lie. It was a spur-of-the-moment fabrication, but it was a convenient excuse for Ryu, who found it troublesome to be subjected to etiquette demands like honorifics, bowing, and kneeling, especially in the presence of nobility.

Ryu: “I don’t understand etiquette either, so I’d appreciate it if you could forgive my lack of manners."

Goran: "A curse like that... I see, that explains…"

Goran seemed to be strangely convinced by Ryu's lie.

To Be Continued...

Next Episode:

A knight order from the royal palace arrives to capture Ryu.

The fate of the knights?

Don’t miss it!