In the late 19th century, at the height of the steam engine's reign, advanced steam technology dominated the globe, blanketing the skies with plumes of smoke. Genetically engineered laborers toiled tirelessly, while steel monstrosities stalked the night. Blood-soaked beasts, drawn by the clang of iron, roamed the shadows. Urban legends whispered of people vanishing in the fog, only to reappear as someone else. Amidst this chaotic backdrop of Victorian London...
Tsukagami Tobari, a contractor from the Far East, and Vincent Saint-Germain, an alchemist, find themselves perpetually embroiled in troublesome affairs. One day, a woman from the Academia approaches them with a peculiar request: to locate her friend, who has vanished after delving into dangerous research.
Vincent, eager to take on the challenge, leads Tobari to the place where clues are believed to lie. There, they encounter a monstrous being of steel and steam...
This is a fantastical tale spun from the intertwined threads of fact and fiction, driven by the forces of steel and steam, and populated by a cast of intriguing characters. If, by chance, this story fails to capture your imagination, simply dismiss it as a dream.