Ryu was completely unaware that Batt was a woman. He could have figured it out using his Divine Eye, but he wasn't interested in Batt, so he didn't bother checking.
The Divine Eye could reveal almost anything, but unless Ryu actively chose to investigate, he wouldn't learn anything. In other words, if Ryu didn't show interest, he wouldn't be burdened with unnecessary information.
Ryu always checked his opponents' information before battle. But this time, he didn't. That was because Batt had used a spell to alter her appearance and conceal her identity simultaneously. It was part of her skills as a sniper.
The elf girl, still conscious of her slip-up earlier, discreetly used a cleansing spell to purify herself before explaining the situation.
She introduced herself as Lean, revealing that Batt was the name of her deceased brother.
Her brother had died while exploring a certain dungeon. Batt, Lean, and their fellow adventurers had formed a party and ventured into the dungeon. However, everyone except Lean had perished.
They had defeated the dungeon boss and acquired the legendary bow, but at the cost of their lives.
Batt, her brother, had sacrificed himself using a powerful self-destruct spell to take out the dungeon boss, a dragon, with him. Only the magic bow, a drop item obtained from conquering the dungeon, remained with Lean.
Since then, to fulfill the dream of her brother and fellow adventurers to become S-rank adventurers, Lean had been living as Batt, a renowned adventurer.
The magic bow, her brother's legacy, was an essential weapon for her to become an S-rank adventurer, but Lean felt connected to her brother through the bow. It was a precious symbol of the bond they shared with her comrades.
The destruction of her precious bow had made her lose her composure.
Lean: "That bow shouldn't break just from being cut with a sword... What kind of sword was that?"
Ryu: "Ah, the magic sword Fragarah... there's nothing in this world it can't cut... Well, almost nothing."
Lean: "Still, this day has finally come."
Ryu: "?"
Lean: "The S-rank adventurer Batt has died today. I'm going to live as Lean from now on."
Ryu: "Why? Suddenly?"
Lean: "Now that my true identity has been revealed, I can't continue as Batt. Once one person knows, it will eventually spread."
Ryu: "I won't tell anyone. I'm not interested."
Lean: "You're not interested...? The hero of the capital, S-rank Batt?"
Ryu: "I don't know her. I heard that name for the first time today."
Lean: "Anyway! I had decided to quit being Batt if I ever lost a fight!"
Lean had been struggling to act as Batt for quite some time. She had been looking for an opportunity to quit.
Ryu: "Well, whatever. Do as you please. I'm not interested in your personal life story. I have business in the capital, so I'm leaving."
Lean: "What have you done? For the Guild to issue a capture request, you must be a pretty bad person."
Ryu: "I haven't done anything bad... well, except for killing a wicked noble."
Lean: "Ah... I see..."
Ryu: "I'll go catch whoever ordered my arrest and deal with them. By the way, do you know who hired you?"
Lean: "Unfortunately, I don't know. The client's identity was kept secret. But since it was a request through the Guild, it doesn't matter who the client is. Everyone doesn't really care. The Guild will be responsible for paying the reward for fulfilling the request."
Ryu: "I guess I have to shut down the Guild Master in the capital."
Lean: "The Guild Master of the capital is Silver Banks, a former S-rank adventurer. But you'd be alright with him, wouldn't you?"
Ryu: "I've wasted enough time. I'm going now."
Lean: "Should I guide you to the capital?"
Ryu: "No need, I'll teleport. I'll be in the capital in one second."
As Ryu said this, a magic circle appeared at his feet.
Lean: "Oh, wait a minute... He's gone. If you're going to the capital, you could have taken me with you."
However, Lean also possessed a fast-running skill. She could cover a journey that would take several days by horse in just one day.
Lean began running to return to the capital as well.
Ryu arrived in the capital by teleportation.
After presenting his Commercial Guild card and entering the city, he went straight to the Adventurer's Guild.
At the reception, he was handed a numbered tag and told to wait until his number was called.
Having nowhere else to go, Ryu sat on a bench. He had some time to kill, so he observed the Adventurer's Guild.
The guild building was much larger in the capital compared to the one in Mimul. Mimul only had one reception window, but the capital guild had five.
Even though it was a slow time, only two windows were open.
It looked like a bank counter from his previous life, he thought, when his number was called.
He went to the reception, where the receptionist greeted him with a customary phrase.
Receptionist: "Welcome to the Capital's Adventurer's Guild. What can I do for you today?"
Ryu: "I want to see the Guild Master. Can you get him for me?"
Receptionist: "Do you have an appointment?"
Ryu: "No, I don't."
Receptionist: "What is your business with the Master?"
Ryu: "I'll tell him when I see him."
Receptionist: "Excuse me, are you an adventurer?"
Ryu: "Yes... I mean, no. I have a Commercial Guild card."
Ryu showed his card. Seeing it, the receptionist smirked slightly.
Receptionist: "You came all this way from a distant place. Is this your first time in the capital?"
Ryu: "Yes, it is."
Receptionist: "Is that so? ... You may not know, but..."
The receptionist smiled maliciously and said:
"In rural places like Mimul, you can probably meet with the Master quickly. But in the capital, those without an appointment cannot be connected to the Master."
Next Episode
The capital's Guild Master receives a report of a mission failure from a returning A-rank party.
Stay tuned!