Chapter 105: The Adventurers Return with a Report

Well, it's true I just showed up without an appointment.

If someone did the same to me, forcing me to change my schedule and meet them, I'd be furious.

Ryu: "Well, I guess there's no other way. Can you arrange a meeting for me?"

Receptionist: "I'm sorry, but if we don't know you, we can't make an appointment without a letter of introduction. Do you know anyone who's close to the Master and could write one for you? But, well, you probably don't..."

Ryu: "I do know someone..."

He thought maybe he could ask Catherine to write one, but would Catherine know the Guild Master in the capital? He had heard that she used to be a guild staff member in the capital, so he assumed it would be alright. But when he thought about it, she had left the Adventurer's Guild in Mimul.

While teleporting back would be instantaneous, he realized he'd probably be exploited again by Catherine if he asked her for help.

Ryu: "No, just tell him a message, will you?"

The receptionist, who had been surprised when he mentioned knowing someone who knew the Guild Master, looked at him with a "huh?" expression. She thought his bluff was about to be called, but she said coldly:

Receptionist: "I'm afraid that's not possible either."

Ryu: "Just tell him that Ryuujin is here. That's all it takes."

Receptionist: "No, no, no. I don't think he'd understand."

Ryu: "Just tell him. If he ignores it and yells at you later, it's not my problem."

Receptionist: "I guess I have no choice, if you insist. I'll give him a note with the message. He's a busy man, so I can't guarantee he'll read it."

Ryu: "Fine, that's good enough. Thanks."

Ryu was slightly annoyed by the receptionist's rude attitude. He thought for a moment about forcibly entering the Master's office, but he decided against it because it would make him no different from the arrogant nobles. He decided to try again later.

He could have just teleported directly into the Master's office. Or, using his abilities, he could have easily kidnapped the Guild Master and forced the situation. However...

Since he hated having his freedom violated, he wanted to respect the freedom of others. Using force was a last resort.

The reason he felt this way was that he had finally come to the capital, and he wanted to take a leisurely stroll through the city.

Ryu left the Guild and headed towards an inn.

The receptionist saw Ryu leaving the Guild.

Although she said she would, she had no intention of delivering the message.

Every day, countless people came asking to meet the Master without an appointment. She couldn't possibly handle them all.

She convinced herself that it was her duty as a skilled receptionist to prevent the Master from being bothered by trivial matters. She moved the note with Ryuujin's name written on it from the stack of documents to be discarded.

Two days later, the A-rank party "The Fiery Phantom" returned to the capital and visited the reception to report their failure in capturing Ryuujin.

The Guild Master's Office in the Capital

The day after "The Fiery Phantom" returned to the capital, "The Midnight Wind" also returned and reported their failure.

Guild Master Banks summoned both parties and questioned them about their failed mission.

Raitou, the leader of "The Fiery Phantom," and Shouou, the sub-leader, reported for their party, while Mix, the leader of "The Midnight Wind," reported for his.

Banks listened to their reports once again.

How could an A-rank party fail to capture an F-rank adventurer? This was supposed to be an easy task!

Raitou: "Well, you shouldn't think of that man as an F-rank. Even with all of us, we couldn't do anything to him. His true strength is definitely above A-rank, maybe even S-rank level."

Shouou: "No, no, I think he's beyond even S-rank."

Mix nodded silently in agreement.

Banks: "Above S-rank? That's impossible. By the way, what about S-rank Batt? He was supposed to be on the same mission."

Raitou: "We met him once in Mimul, but we haven't seen him since."

Banks: "Batt should be fine. He's an S-rank Dragon Slayer after all. Maybe he's on his way here right now to report that he's captured Ryuujin."

At that moment, there was a knock on the door of the Guild Master's office.

Banks: "Who is it?"

Receptionist: "It's Mirei. Batt is at the reception."

Banks: "Show him in!"

Banks showed a smug face to Raitou and the others, thinking he was right. But the returning Batt brought news that was the complete opposite of what he had expected.

Receptionist Mirei was surprised to see two A-rank parties and an S-rank adventurer come back and report their failure.

Their mission was supposed to be simple: go to Mimul, capture the F-rank adventurer Ryuujin, and bring him back. It was an odd mission with an unusually high reward for such a simple task...


That's when Mirei remembered the boy who had come to the reception three days ago. He had mentioned a similar name, and he had said he was from Mimul...

Could it be? She frantically searched through the pile of discarded documents for the note. She found it quickly. The name written on it was:


There was no doubt, she looked at it again and again.

Mirei's face turned pale.

What if she kept quiet about it?

No, she had a high chance of getting caught. If she was caught later, it would be much worse.

With heavy steps, Mirei went to the Guild Master's office.

Guild Master Banks was still talking to the three groups who had reported their failure.

Banks: "But there was no deadline for the mission, was there? And you all returned safe and sound. Yet you gave up on the mission... What does this mean?!!!"

Raitou: "Safe and sound..."

Raitou involuntarily chuckled at the words.

Banks: "?"

Raitou: "How many times has he dismembered us? The same goes for you, right?"

Mix nodded bitterly.

The leader of "The Midnight Wind," Mix, agreed with Raitou.

Banks: "What are you talking about?"

Shouou: "He has a healing spell. We were repeatedly cut apart, restored to our original state, and forced to fight again... It was like he was teaching us a lesson about the difference in our strength. It was thorough, you know?"

Banks: "So, you never won once?"

Raitou shrugged.

Banks: "Batt, what about you?"

Batt: "It was similar. I wasn't dismembered, but he destroyed my bow instead."

Banks: "That legendary bow?!?"

Batt: "Yeah, he healed my bow with his healing spell, though."

Banks: "What? What kind of healing spell heals objects?"

Batt: "I don't know. Anyway, the bottom line is that everyone who took the mission had to give up on capturing him."

Just then, there was a knock on the door. It was Mirei.

Mirei: "Master, there's something I need to report..."

Banks: "What is it? If it's not urgent, save it for later!"

Mirei: "It's important..."

Banks: "Fine, come in!"

Mirei entered the room.

Mirei: "Well, three days ago, a young man came to the reception..."

Banks: "..."

Mirei: "He wanted to see the Master, but I refused because he didn't have an appointment."

Banks: "Yes, well, there are plenty of people who want to meet me without a reason. I can't possibly entertain them all."

Mirei: "Right! I thought I should prevent the Master from being bothered by trivial matters! Was I wrong to handle it that way?!!"

Banks: "So? What about this boy?"

Mirei: "Well, he said his name was Ryuujin... and he said he was from Mimul..."

Banks: "Ryuujin?!?"

Banks stood up in surprise.

Banks: "Why didn't you report this immediately?!"

Mirei: "Well, I wrote his name on a note, but it got mixed up in the documents, and I only found it just now..."

Banks: "So?! What happened to Ryuujin?! Where is he?!"

Mirei: "I don't know... He just said to tell him that he was here. He said you'd understand. ...Maybe he'll come back sometime."

Banks and the adventurers looked at each other.

Next Episode

The adventurer Batt's retirement announcement?

Stay tuned!